Up and Down

When I was 12 I had the distinct honor of becoming a “bus cop”. I didn’t get to have one of the great big flags and stop traffic, but I did get a badge and I got to leave Social Studies for 15 minutes while I walked the kindergarteners to their bus. It was pretty cool. The best part of the job happened at the end of the school year. For our hard work, we were taken to Valleyfair for a day. I wasn’t a big fan of rides (I have a fear of heights), but skipping school legitimately was something I could get behind. Well, on that wonderful day, I put on my big girl pants and got in line for the roller coaster. I convinced myself I would be fine - and my friends were all doing it, so how could I not (famous last words)? I strapped myself in and held my breath as the cars slowly moved up the first hill. I confess I had my eyes closed, hoping beyond hope that it would be less scary that way. As we approached the top, I peeked a bit, took a deep breath (cuz I literally had stopped breathing), and prepared myself for the fall. I waited. I waited. I waited. Then there was a big clunk, and we stopped. I opened my eyes and saw that my cart made it over the first bumped and stopped. The whole roller coaster had stopped. There we were, up in the air, frozen.

I had the same feelings this week as I did in that fretful moment on the roller coaster - - tension, confusion, hope, fear, exhaustion, frozen. We’ve all felt it. The people I’ve spoken with this week have confirmed it. It’s Saturday as I write, and we have an answer. Whether you are happy or sad about the outcome of the election doesn’t seem that important to me. What seems important to me is that the roller coaster is moving again. We are not frozen. We are able to move forward.

Forward is a great direction. Forward is hope, growth, and possibilities. Forward is hard work. Sure, we can choose to just go along for the ride, but that really doesn’t get us anywhere. Every day, there is something to learn, something to discover, something to remember. Every day there is someone who needs us, someone who has lost hope, someone who feels alone. Every day we must accept the realities our humanity, celebrate our humanity, and honor our humanity. Every day we are called to love God, love ourselves and love our neighbor.

It is my belief that now we have the ability to move, we’re in for one heck of a ride. Just as the workers fixed the broken roller coaster and sent us on our way - up and down, up and down - we, too, will be going on our way. It’s time to stop being frozen. It’s time to pray, be merciful, work for justice, love God and love one another, and walk humbly together in faith. And while we’re at it…it’s time to celebrate, give thanks, dream, and love (I can’t use that verb enough). Together we will go up and down. Together we will move forward. Together, with our Loving God, we will co-create possibilities and hope.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow - up, down, and forward!


The Cowardly Lion


Square peg, round hole