Our Community
Parish Team
We believe the Church is the gathering of people. The Parish Team is a monthly gathering to govern the needs of the church. There will be laughter, maybe some tears, new thoughts, plenty of questions and the needed decisions made at each meeting. All are welcome.
Social Justice Team
“Whatever you do for the least, you do for me.” This is the team dedicated to aiding us in our call to be Christ for one another, speak the truth, and walk with those who are in need.
Prayer Team
We believe prayer to be a living conversation with God. This team commits to praying for the people who request it. We give thanks, seek help, ask for needs, whatever you want.
Funeral Team
Death is a part of life. This team serves the grieving by being present to help serve a meal after a funeral, or to make a dessert to share.
Hospitality Team
We believe that work and play go hand in hand. The Hospitality Team is focused on community building and welcoming all. Examples of this ministry includes: Planning fun community events, greeting people as they come into services, welcoming and getting to know newcomers.
Financial Team
We are called to stewardship. The Financial Team deals with our community’s finances. Paying bills, creating budgets, investments are all a part of using our financial gifts to further the work of Holy Presence.
Music Team
Make a Joyful Noise unto God! Our music ministry aids in bringing the Spirit to our worship services. Any musicians, singers, excited artists are welcome to join!
Prayer Shawl Ministry Team
!We work to create prayer shawls for those in need. Need can look like anything from illness to grief, from a wedding to a new born baby. Or how about just for having one, so you know that you are not alone, and that the arms of Love are holding you.
Click below to become a member of this Team. We can send patterns if necessary. Any skill level will work!!!