Square peg, round hole

This probably won’t be a surprise to anyone who knows me. Growing up, I wasn’t one of the “cool” kids. I was small, red-headed with freckles, and I didn’t seem to think like others. I was painfully shy (terrified really), liked to be at home, read a lot, and our dog was my best pal. I really liked going to church. I didn’t like their rules, and this often got me into a wee bit of trouble, but I loved the mass and saying prayers and singing lovely songs. As you may imagine, this personality of mine, left me pretty wide open to bullies and teasing. I was the proverbial square peg trying to fit into the round hole.

I wish I could say things got better as I aged. In seminary, I was once asked to describe hell. I said “Middle School for all eternity”. High School wasn’t so bad because I had become quite adept and being who people who wanted me to be, instead of who I was. But, then came college and the beloved professor, Dr. Hamel. Dr. Hamel was a kind, brilliant man. He was a Jesuit in his early years. He believed in challenging of our beliefs and didn’t hand out A’s unless you went the extra mile to defend your truths. He was the person who taught me it’s not just ok to think outside the box, but Jesus actually requires it some of the time. It was in his classes that I learned being a square peg in a round world wasn’t a hinderance, because if you make the circle bigger, you fit in just fine.

Take a look at the mosaic picture I posted with this blog. This is truly a representation of how I see the world. Inside the circle (the kingdom of God), there are many little pieces (the people of God). They aren’t the same shape, they aren’t the same color. But they fit together perfectly and together they make magnificent beauty. There is no shape more important than the other. Some of the shapes are jagged-edged (the scars of our lives), some are smooth (the grace of our lives). Some are small, some larger. Yet, if you took one of the pieces out of the mosaic, there would be a hole - a missing shape and color. The same goes with us. Who we are, what we have to offer, is essential to the world. We matter. God didn’t make us to be spare parts. God formed us with a very specific purpose. God made us, as we are, to create magnificent beauty; to create a world where everyone is a part of the whole. Everyone fits in the circle. Everyone is beloved.

I am so grateful to be a small piece of God’s beautiful mosaic. I am so grateful you are part of God’s beautiful mosaic. I am so grateful God is creative and patient and consistent and loving. Love is the glue that holds all us little pieces together to form the circle. And the great thing about this kind of circle is we can continue to add pieces - - we just make the circle a little bigger. I’m happy to be a square peg in a round world. I’m even happier to be a part of your magnificent beauty.

Rev. Joan


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