The Cowardly Lion

For as long as I can remember, fear has been a part of my life. I was afraid of people I didn’t know, afraid to speak, afraid to go to school. Then, I learned to be afraid of being different than, of not ever getting tall enough, not being smart enough, not being good enough. ENOUGH, I say!

Fear is a natural part of being human. I think it is safe to say that we all experience it. Some fear is good - it actually saves our lives. Some fears, however, can destroy us. So what do we do about it? Do we share it with others, so they will join us in our fear? Or do we keep silent and pretend all is well? Do we pretend it’s not there and go about our business? Do we just accept it as a given and go about are business? These are possibilities, not answers, I would argue.

Fear is real. But, it’s not a given that fear will prevail. We do have choices on how we handle fear. I chose the cowardly lion this week because I think that he has embodied what we can do when we’re afraid. The cowardly lion wasn’t like the other lions, because he was gentle, and kind, and showed fear. But when push came to shove, when he needed to, he stepped us and defended his beloved friend, Dorothy, with his life. We learned that he didn’t have to have the Wizard give him courage because he already had it. He just needed the right time and the right circumstances to access it.

Many people have said things similar to this: Courage is not the absence of fear, it is going forward despite being afraid. Through personal experiences, I believe it. I’ve done it. What helps me do it more often and, consequently, lessens my fears? A relationship - a relationship with God. It is much easier to face a fear when I know, truly, that I am not alone. It’s even easier to face when I realize that the One walking with me is filled with such a Love for me that I am not just loved, but beloved. It’s even easier yet, when I share my relationship with God with others, because together, we become even more courageous.

We will not completely remove fear from our lives - - especially now as the Covid 19 numbers sore, our loved ones are getting sick, and some of them are joining the saints. Now, as money becomes tight, businesses are closing, homelessness and the need for food are on the rise. Now, as racial inequities becomes more apparent and more deadly. There is no greater time for us to find our courage. There is no greater time to develop our relationship with God. There is no greater time to stand together, as beloved children of God, and bring about the change that’s needed in the world. We are not alone. We are with God and with one another. Finding the courage to walk in spite of fear has taught me this - and of this I have no doubt - Love ALWAYS wins. Thank you for joining me on the journey and thanks be to God!!

Rev. Joan


Attitude of Gratitude


Up and Down