Peace I leave you

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

I’ve been meditating on this passage a lot. I’ve been holding onto this Truth for dear life. As we transition governments and threats of violence permeate our lives, it seems to balance me. Because let’s face it, we are troubled, we are afraid. To watch an insurrection on our screens, to see the palatable anger and chaos on people’s faces, to know that people believe violence is the answer, it’s troubling. It leaves a feeling of powerlessness, of frustration, of anxiety. What do we do?

I believe Scripture challenges us to take a step beyond all these feelings. They are real and they are valid, but there is a greater power that will overcome them. That power is the Triune God. Throughout the history of humankind, we have faced war, violence, and injustice. We have witnessed the worst of humanity. We have also witnessed the best of humanity - the faithfulness, the courage, and the hope that surpasses all obstacles. When hurricanes demolished peoples’ homes and lives, we saw complete strangers reaching out their hands and wallets to help one another. When the towers were felled on 9/11, we saw people coming in from every corner to dig out survivors, as well as those that didn’t survive. We saw people gathering together to pray together that day, not caring what denomination the person next to them was. When we witnessed the murder of George Floyd, we saw people of every color and creed, peacefully protesting. We are not powerless, we are powerful. In our faith, in our reliance on truth, in our struggle for justice, we have access to the power and promises of our Loving Creator.

I believe John is reminding us of this with his words. We are given peace and love and grace that is above and beyond what the world can give. God isn’t limited by humanness. God has promised, through Christ, to instill in God’s people the Holy Spirit. This Spirit, living within our hearts, will provide a peace that surpasses all understanding and a love that cannot compare to anything on earth. During troubling times, we just have to be willing to access it. Through prayer, through listening to God’s voice of love over the voices of hate, through witnessing the beauty of nature, through loving conversations, through laughter, we will find this peace. I believe, we will also find the stirrings of our souls that will allow us to build bridges and mend divides. I believe we will be graced with ideas that will spread the message of God’s love in new and wonderful ways. I believe we will find our hearts not troubled and not afraid because we will be busy doing work that will create a sanctuary, right here, where all are welcome and know they are beloved children of a loving God.

I will be praying without ceasing this week will pass with a peaceful transition of government. I will be praying for peace to fill our hearts and minds. I will be praying with gratitude for God’s promise of love and ever-presence. Join me?

Rev. Joan


As it was…


Tender Mercy