Star of Wonder

"Star of wonder, star of light, star with royal beauty bright. Westward leading, still proceeding, guide us to thy perfect light."

In a “unprecedented” year, filled with so much hardship, isolation, sickness, fear, and antagonism, we are about to receive a wonder of nature, a wonder of the Creator, and one created for all. Well - two wonders actually - but let’s look at one at a time.

On December 21st, the day with the least amount of light, Saturn and Jupiter are going to be so close together that they will appear like one bright, shining star lighting up the night. Scientists believe this is the same phenomenon the wise men followed as they came to find Jesus in the manger. The phenomenon, known as the Christmas Star, will be available for us (weather permitting) to see in its glory! How cool is that? It hasn’t happened in 800 years. It won’t happen like this again in our lifetime. I am so grateful to God for giving us this show at this time - I don’t know about you, but I could use a dose of awe and wonder in my life about now.

I’m already starting to imagine myself in the scene of the travelers, seeing that star and knowing intrinsically we need to follow it. I can hear my family asking me if I’m crazy by following a star, and why can’t you just stay put? I can feel the knowledge in my heart something amazing is happening and I have to be there. I notice the quiet as I walk along, behind the kings, everyone in their own thoughts about what this remarkable light could mean. I walk in hope knowing that this is good, very good. And, I will walk in gratitude that my mind and eyes and heart have been open to God’s masterful, awe-inspiring, work of beauty in the sky.

I’m going to look at this star in 2020, and reflect with awe on God’s creation. The fact that we’re in the darkest year I can ever remember and are being treated to God’s masterpiece of light in the sky is not lost on me. I’m not a believer in coincidence - I lean toward the spiritual synchronicity of God. And I will take this wonder, be grateful and celebrate the message that indeed, God is the light in our darkness. I’m going to look at this star for however long it shines brightly and remember that beneath that star some 2020 years ago a babe was born, in a barn, surrounded by love, angels, his awe-struck parents, and a bunch of shepherds and kings who followed a star. (#2 wonder of nature that we’ve received).

God is coming. In humble beginnings, Emmanuel is arriving. This little baby, dependent on his parents for everything, surrounded by people of every race, creed, and color (not to mention animals of all sorts), has come to change how we think about ourselves, how we understand God, how we should treat one another. Though we know the ending of this story, I invite us to live in these beginnings for just awhile. Let’s stay in the humbleness of this child, the faith of this child’s parents, the wonder of a newborn baby, and the miraculous gift of God, becoming fully human. Let’s rest our weary selves in the simplicity and gentleness of Jesus and just be in awe at the incredible wonders and gifts God bestows.

Merry Christmas, dear ones. You are my physical reality of Emmanuel and I thank you from the deepest places of my heart. May the blessings of this season fill our hearts and minds with love, joy, peace and hope.

Rev. Joan


Mary, did you know?


Beloved. Chosen