The world is loud

It’s 5:00 in the morning.  Not a time of day of which I am very familiar.  It’s dark as night on this cold winter morning, yet my coffee cup is full and tastes great. There is a silence that permeates my apartment.  No one is walking around the apartment building, or chatting in the hallway.  No one is vacuuming or playing their music.  It’s quiet, and I must say, very peaceful.  

 How remarkable, I go through my day, not really paying attention to the noise around me.  The walking of the people that live above me in this old creaky building. The laughter of folks in the hallway.  The children who are playing.  The cars driving on the streets.  It all has become a white noise – a constant presence that I don’t pay attention to until it’s gone.

 I have a saying on my wall in my living room.  It was a gift from a dear friend who knows me quite well.  It says “Make time for the quiet moments, as God whispers and the world is loud.”  This morning, it means something deeper to me – I really get it.  In this moment, God is my only companion.  I don’t know anyone else up at this hour to talk to, no businesses are open to call, I’m not so awake that I could read anything and remember it. So instead, I sit with my coffee and my God and just be.  What a concept.  What a gift.

 I feel deep within the Love that God has for me.  For a moment in time, nothing is on my mind, nothing is distracting me, and I am living just in God’s embrace.  I can feel my heartbeat lower, my breathing going deeper, and the tension go out of my shoulders (that’s where I seem to carry everything). And at my soul’s core, I feel at peace.  I feel that there is nothing I can’t face today.  I feel joy and gratitude.  Really, I want to sing – but I live in a condo and I’m not sure my voice is what the neighbors want for an alarm clock!!  I hear God’s voice, speaking to my heart, encouraging me to be loving today, to not be quite so hard on myself, to be God’s presence to the people that cross my path today.  There is a lot going on in the silence today. Thanks be to God.

 I can’t say that I will be getting up at 5:00 in the morning every day to experience this beautiful moment. But, I am grateful for the awareness it has given me this day.  I have a new desire to have these moments more often during the day – to make time for the quiet so I can hear God whispering in my soul.  While I do a lot of praying during the day, I don’t spend a lot of time sitting still and just being with God and letting God talk.  I think this is what the waiting of Advent is supposed to be – resting in God’s love for us.  Imagine how much more joy-filled, hopeful, and at peace we will be when the child comes.  Imagine how motivated we will be to live our faith and share it with others when we experience Emmanuel.  Imagine how creative and how much energy we will have after we’ve rested in God’s embrace – for there is work to be done, love to be shared, joy to be had, and justice to accomplish. 

 My sisters and brothers, the sun is rising.  The birds have started to chirp.  I can hear my neighbor’s walking around upstairs.  The world is indeed loud.  I hope you join me in finding the quiet moments.

Rev. Joan 


Beloved. Chosen


Change is Good