I heard a story…

     I like to read; a lot.  I have my whole life.  Sometimes I read to escape the craziness that is life.  Sometimes I read because I’m bored.  Sometimes I read because I have something to learn.   Sometimes it’s just fun.  But lately, God has thrown so many different titles my way, it’s obvious that I’m on a learning journey.  

     I mostly like mysteries, but I often take suggestions and recommendations.  Over the past three months, I’ve been given books which have made me realize that the story is one of the most powerful tools we have.  It’s our witness of God, our witness to truth, and our witness to injustices and harsh realities.  The stories we read provide insight and identity and belonging - - or not belonging.  This is where my learning is at the moment.  The stories I’ve heard – especially biblical stories have taught me that as a woman, I am less than.  I am the creator of sin.  I am too emotional to have intelligence. I am not a leader – nor should I be.

     I think that’s a crock.  I’ve thought that my whole life.  I even stated in my master’s thesis that the patriarchal structure silences women and is therefore, goes against the teachings of Christ.  For that thought, though my paper earned an “A”, it was censored from the library.  Some people didn’t like my conclusion, but it was well-defended by “reliable sources”, so they couldn’t just ignore me.  They did try to silence me.  It didn’t work.  

     One of the most touching things I’ve heard as a priest, is the women who have come up to me and said “I never dreamed I would hear a mass said by someone like me – a woman.”  This is an essential story that needs to be told.  The word of God, the stories of God, are to be spoken by men AND women alike.  God tells us in the first sentences written that God created man AND women in God’s image.  Yes, you can argue that the 2nd creation story clearly states that Eve was the villain.  But I will come back with – who’s telling the story? Adam or Eve?  I bet Eve had a different perception of the incident!! And, I would argue, the only reason there is a 2nd creation story, was because the first one wasn’t understood. It was a threat to someone’s misguided need for power and control – it was written by a human after all.  

     We each have a story to be told.  We have a history that provides us with a unique understanding of the world and of God.  We need to share our stories and we need to listen to other people’s stories.  I believe that is how we become more aware of God, beyond our borders, beyond our lives.  I believe it is essential to understanding why God has us in the place where we are.  I believe it is the only way we can truly live our Gospel call.  Jesus told us “Love one another as I have loved you.”  Empathy, compassion, love, are gifts of the Spirit and grow exponentially when we truly hear someone else.  Let’s read someone’s story.  I think we’ll be glad we did because I think we’ll have a better understanding of God.


Behold, I am doing a new thing

