Behold I am doing a new thing

I was walking around Lake Como last night and in front of me was a tiny puppy —-a fur-ball really. She was probably about 5 pounds and 2 of those pounds were black fuzzy fur. She was so excited to be alive and walking with her human. She could hardly contain herself. Her tail was wagging so fast it moved her body from side to side. She sniffed every bit of new ground and literally jumped with glee when someone passed them. Life in her eyes was just GRAND. Her joy was contagious, I couldn’t help but smile and see the world through her eyes for just a minute.

In this time of pandemic, it’s not always easy for me to see the beauty and joy around me. My apartment walls are all too familiar. My routine is mundane. My cooking skills lacking (I never realized how much I ate out). And yet, God continues to surprise me.

“Behold I am doing a new thing!" Isaiah’s words meant something great thousands of years ago, and the same words mean something great now. Welcome, Holy Presence Catholic Community, welcome. God is doing a new thing. The Holy Spirit is inspiring this community to reach out, to leave their comfort zone, and to be God’s hands, feet, and hearts here in this place, at this crazy time. Woohoo!!!

Are we crazy to start a church during a pandemic? Nope. There is no better time to share our stories, our joys, and to wag our tails with such glee that it moves us. There is no better time to talk with one another (even on a computer screen) and laugh and maybe commiserate on 2020. There is no better time to be witness to one another that God is here, right here, right now and that “All will be well, all will be well, all matter of things will be well” (so says Julian of Norwich). God doesn’t work on our timeline, we work on God’s. So, let’s get to it. Let’s proclaim the Good News. Let’s meet some strangers and become friends. Let’s celebrate the gifts we have been given. Let’s do this new thing!!!

Rev. Joan


It Takes a Village