And the soul felt its worth
I’m baking pies. I love baking pies. It’s very meditative to me. I get to moosh my hands into the butter and flour, roll it out, make the filling. It brings me such joy. As I’m making this batch of pies, I’m listening to Christmas carols and low and behold Josh Groban comes out singing 'O Holy Night’. My favorite version. I could listen to that song over and over (and this time I do!). While I’ve heard this song 1000’s of times in my life, the line sticking out to me tonight is this…”’til he appeared and the soul felt it’s worth”. And I wonder, does my soul feel it’s worth; does yours?
I believe Emmanuel came just for this reason. God came to earth in the person of Jesus to be with us. To give us a human person to relate to to learn from, and to love…in our own way, with our own feelings, experiences, and concretely. Jesus is God in concrete form. Someone we could see, hear, and touch. Someone who felt our fears, cried our tears, and had to make the same decisions we would. Someone who could show us in a way we could understand and relate to how to love, how to live, how to believe. But mostly, I believe, God came to us through Jesus to show us how deeply and perfectly we are loved by our Creator. God came to show us that NOTHING can or will separate us from God’s love.
Sometimes it’s hard to remember that. In this crazy, hurting, chaotic world, it’s hard to put the fact the we are loved, beloved, cherished by God in the forefront. When we face difficulties, are overwhelmed with grief, or just plain ole busy getting ready for the holidays, it’s not usually our go to to reflect on the worthiness of our souls, the necessity of us to this world, and how proud God is to have created us - knowing exactly what the world needed when we were born. But for today, for these few moments, I ask you to make it a priority.
I don’t usually speak for other people, but Rev Colleen and I have had many discussions and I know she feels as I do, so from both of us I say…Your soul is so worthy, so lovely, so special to us. We are so grateful for your holy presence. We love you. Whether we know by face, by email address, or by a black box on Zoom, you are important to us. We pray for you everyday, we bless the gifts you are able to share. We give thanks for your curiosity, your vocal or silent presence, you openness and willingness. We feel your prayer, your grace, your joy. We feel your insecurities, fears, and exhaustion. We are so so so grateful for your coming together as a community of faith and love in whatever way you are able. Your souls inspire us to be our best selves, and when we don’t quite reach the mark, we are grateful for your grace.
You are the breath of God that God still breaths. You are God’s love in earthly form. You are needed in this community and this world. You have unique abilities that no-one can copy. You are an integral part of God’s plan. How blessed are we that you are with us.
Whatever circumstances you find yourselves in this Christmas, we pray that you experience the knowledge of your souls incredible worth. And may the blessings of God, Christ, and Spirit fill your hearts, minds and souls. Merry Christmas!!!
Revs. Joan and Colleen